Katie Benston
Hyacinth Consulting
Charlotte, NC

Laura Bordeaux
Zeus Industrial Products
Columbia, SC

Angela Boykin
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC
Durham, NC

Leigh D’Amico
USC College of Education
Charlotte, NC

Georgia Deal
Children’s Trust of South Carolina
Greenwood, SC

Robin Foster, MD
Children’s Hospital of Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth University
Henrico, VA

Matt Perry
Vista Advisors/Amerprise Financial
Columbia, SC

Elizabeth Wolf, MD
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA

Medical Leadership Committee 

Michael Foxworth, MD
Aisha Quarles, MD
Nneka Hendrix, MD
Bergen Nelson, MD
Leigh D’Amico, Ed.D.
David Tayloe, Jr MD
Ellie Erickson, MD
Molly Benedum, MD
Anna Miller-Fitzwater, MD
Martha Edwards, MD
Jenny Tender, MD
Blakely Amati, MD
David C. Turell, MD, FAAP
Afua Tay, DNP
Paola Brana Rivera, MD
Shevani Sahai, MD

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