
Mary Black Foundation—A Great Partner

Over the past year, the Mary Black Foundation has had the pleasure of partnering with Reach Out and Read Carolinas (ROR Carolinas).  ROR Carolina’s evidence-based intervention makes early literacy a standard part of primary health care with a focus on children who grow up in low-income communities. The program builds on the unique relationship between families and medical providers to develop critical early language and reading skills in children. ROR’s thoughtful approach to introducing literacy practices to children and families is one that supports the Foundation’s commitment to ensure every child in Spartanburg enters kindergarten ready to learn.

The Mary Black Foundation believes that when children are born healthy, grow up in stable families, have nurturing relationships with adults, and spend time in environments that provide stimulating experiences, they are more likely to succeed academically, socially, and economically.  ROR Carolinas gets at the heart of this belief by supporting parents in developing strong, secure relationships with their children from birth.  This two generation model creates the opportunity for the medical provider to share specific information regarding the importance of reading aloud for brain development and to increase the quality of positive interactions between the developing child and parent/caregiver.

ROR Carolinas’ continued commitment to innovation and desire to push the envelope toward positive, equitable outcomes for all children is what makes this partnership so valuable.  The integration of technology in establishing consistent language for providers to share with parents, and the launch of an internship program for college students presenting a variety of academic disciplines, are two examples of how ROR thinks well beyond the boundaries to create systems level positive change. The Mary Black Foundation’s investment in ROR Carolinas is an investment in a two generation approach to meeting our goal of supporting every child in Spartanburg County towards kindergarten and life-long success.

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