
Building Resiliency in Children and Families

The future of any society depends on its ability to foster the healthy development of the next generation. The effects of what happens during the first few years sets the stage for the rest of a child’s life. Extensive research on the biology of stress now shows that healthy development can be derailed by excessive or prolonged activation of stress response systems in the body and brain. Research also indicates that supportive, responsive relationships with caring, attentive adults as early in life as possible can buffer damaging effects on the brain and body. To effectively address issues in the home, parents need concrete advice and modeling as well as clear guidance from those they most trust.

Reach Out and Read is a national, evidence-based intervention designed to foster intentional skill-building in parents, resilience in families, and positive bonding between children and families. The Reach Out and Read model trains clinicians on the program and implementation strategies in the clinic. Trained clinicians then use books and anticipatory guidance as tools to discuss parenting challenges, solutions, and health benefits of reading aloud to children with families/caregivers. Utilization of this preventative approach enhances comprehensive care in the pediatric medical home.

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Guests: Perri Klass, MD, Lochrane Grant, MD, and Kristin Cooper, First Lady of North Carolina

Host: Elizabeth Erickson, MD


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