
Relationships, Routines and Reading

Guest blog post by:
Dr. Martha Edwards
Rock Hill Pediatrics

As a pediatrician, it has been a joy to begin to integrate books into my first newborn visit.

My favorite positive parenting tip at this visit is to reassure new families that it is impossible to spoil a baby with love and attention. Well-meaning relatives often warn new mothers that they are holding the baby too much, despite the mother’s instinct to hold and snuggle and talk to the baby when she fusses.

Research clearly tells us that strong brain development depends on snuggling, holding, singing to, speaking and reading to babies.

More is definitely better.

Holding and interacting with newborns is so important, in fact, that I am giving them a book to help them do it even more.

Promoting positive relationships in a child’s life fosters a lifetime of resiliency and emotional well-being.

I am grateful that Reach Out and Read has given me a way to share sound parenting strategies and to encourage positive discipline techniques through sharing books at all ages.

I have become quite comfortable talking about everything from how to discipline a child to pooping — using large doses of literacy and love.

Check out one of ROR Carolinas newest online courses, Healthy Relationships and Resilience.

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