
Meet Pam!

“I am thrilled to bring my skills, experience, and passion to Reach Out and Read Carolinas, and look forward to working with and learning alongside the community partners in this very innovative and vital work in the Triad.”

We are pleased to announce that Pam Bacot has joined our team as a Program Specialist supporting the Triad region in North Carolina and allowing us to deepen our commitment to helping integrate early childhood systems work across medical homes and communities in the Triad.

The role of the Program Specialist includes developing relationships with clinical and administrative staff to collaborate with systems work in Guilford County and Triad area to ensure the medical home is activated as a partner in support for families.  RORC Program Specialists also coordinate resources and services with community partners, represent RORC in community meetings and convenings, and support implementation of ROR program quality improvement processes by delivering technical assistance to participating clinical locations and identifying additional needs.

Pam brings more than 15 years of experience as an early education specialist working in various positions.  Since 2005, Pam worked for Arkansas State University Childhood Services providing technical assistance, program assessments, and professional development opportunities for early childhood programs. An integral part of her role included community and consensus building, partnership engagement, assessing program needs, and developing program improvement plans. She has a Master of Social Work and Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. Pam is married to Dr. Hunter Bacot (professor at UNC-Greensboro): has 3 children, 5 bonus children, and a dog named Lily.

“We are thrilled to welcome Pam to the ROR Carolinas team, and know that she will be a significant asset to our collaborative work in the Triad area,” said Callee Boulware, executive director of the Reach Out and Read Carolinas. “Her solid understanding and direct experience working in early childhood systems, the nonprofit sector, and literacy programs will be a tremendous asset to our work moving forward.”


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