
Relationships, Routines and Reading

It is during these times of stress and anxiety when children are most in need of a secure environment and opportunities for one-on-one engagement with a loved one.

The healthy relationships and interactions that children have with caring adults, including moments centered around snuggling up with a book or a story, support the important foundational relationships of children and their families, and build security in times of stress.

Relationships and routines matter for both the caregiver and the child. Daily routines are calming and provide children with some certainty, something they can count on and trust to happen. The predictability of routines can help reduce stress, and the nurturing experiences children receive from the parent provide extra emotional support, building resilience and strengthening family relationships.

Reading together is an easy way to build a routine and strengthen bonds. Building a routine around books and reading together with your child is one of the most important things parents can do, beyond keeping kids healthy and safe.

It is well-established that shared reading can help develop strong parent-child bonds that last a lifetime, buffering toxic stress and building resilience.


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Take a story walk around your neighborhood.  Make up a story to go with each house.