
Letter from Regional Executive Director: $8 Million Investment from MacKenzie Scott

Dear Reach Out and Read Funders, Partners and Friends,

I am excited to share some exciting news with all of you. Reach Out and Read, Inc. has received an $8 million investment from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. This historic investment stands as the largest private contribution in Reach Out and Read’s 34-year history. The funds will play a pivotal role in enhancing our mission to promote early relational health for children and their caregivers through everyday moments centered around shared books and stories.

Reach Out and Read has proven itself as ready to meet this moment of opportunity. This investment will unlock and catalyze opportunities for children and families through meaningful investments in structures and systems.

As an integral part of the system of care for children and families in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Greater Washington, DC., we stand ready to maximize this tremendous gift to support the healthy development of young children through our deep partnership with clinicians and their dedicated work with families.

Everyone, including you, has played a vital role in growing this organization to what it is today. We stand ready to meet this tremendous opportunity and continue our goal of reaching every child regardless of economic background, ensuring all have access to those special moments and memories of bonding through books, starting at birth.

While we will work through more details over the next several months on how these funds will be specifically spent to support our entire network, please join me in celebrating this important milestone for Reach Out and Read.

Many thanks to everyone for the contributions you make every day that have made this opportunity possible!

Callee Boulware

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