Reach Out And Read Summit: Relationships Matter
The Summit was an opportunity to reimagine and transform care for young children and their families. Speakers and participants shared innovative strategies, research findings, and best practices for reimagining and transforming care for young children and their families. Attendees engaged in workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities to exchange ideas and collaborate on building a high-quality intervention. The Summit aimed to inspire and equip participants with practical knowledge and tools to enhance the way they serve young children and their families in healthcare settings.
Dr. John S. Hutton, a pediatrician and clinical researcher in the Division of General and Community Pediatrics and Director of the Reading Literacy Discovery Center. was the Keynote: “Reach Out and Rewire: Neurobiology of Shared Reading and Digital Media in Early Childhood and “Novel” Approaches to Screening and Guidance”
Dr. Marian Earls, a board-certified pediatrician in both General and Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, shared about early childhood mental health in her conversation titled: “Putting the Head Back on the Body- Early Childhood Mental Health”.
And, in closing, NYT Bestselling author Dan Heath, shared about the power of moments.
“If we understand what powerful moments are made of, we can be intentional about creating them. And the right moment can have extraordinary power.”
Join us as we continue our learning journey throughout the year.